Saturday, 24 October 2009

Please help to donate blood

Okay, let's just face the fact. You and I will be hospitalised at least once in our lifetime. We'll probably be diagnosed with an illness such as cancer or heart attack or probably be involved in a car accident. Whichever the case is, we might need some blood transfusion or an organ transplant. So c'mon! Be that helpful Malaysians that we are and start donating your blood or consider pledging your organs! After all, you or your siblings or your family or even I might need it. If we're so selfish, then how are we going to expect someone else to help us?

God gave us life, so what is wrong with giving our "life" to someone else who needs it when we are already dead? Let the others live a full life that they couldn't get initially because they were hospitalised awaiting for a donor. Please don't rob away someone's life all because of your selfishness.