I read an anecdote about a guy. The guy had two business partners. One day these two partners told the guy that they no longer wanted him as their partner. They offered him either $35,000 or all the worthless shares in a worthless company that they owned.
That evening the guy went home and said to his wife: "I’ve got something to tell you." But before he could speak the wife said: “I want a divorce.”
The guy decided that only divine forces could have arranged for everything to go so drastically bad in one day. That night the guy had a dream: he was driving a car over the mountains, it was very icy and it was a difficult drive, but eventually he got over the mountains. It was very calm and there was a cottage with a candle in the window waiting for him. He woke up just knowing that everything was going to be all right.
He took the shares in the useless company, because it was a cat-food company, and he had been driving a Jaguar in the dream.
After much hard work, the cat-food company became successful, and he met a new wife.After reading this, I decided that I too wanted a bit of this divine guidance stuff. I went to bed hoping to dream a dream that would make everything clear to me.
And, indeed I did dream a dream -- but clear things are not.
In my dream, I got out of an old, but well maintained, almost regal, jet black, tank-like vehicle. It was my car (very unlike the modest white bmw that my brother drive when conscious). Anyway, because I wanted to pop into a few shops, I turned on the vehicle’s autopilot (all dream cars come equipped with this accessory), and I expected the vehicle to follow me down the pavement. However, the moment I switched it into autopilot, the vehicle malfunctioned and rolled slowly and deliberately into the road where it bumped into a shabby looking car.
I groaned, sure that my massive tank would have done a lot of damage. A very smart, very tall, very dark man got out of the shabby car. My big tank automatically opened its driver-side door, but of course no driver got out. I moved round to the side of the road.
“Hi, it’s mine. It was on autopilot. We should take some photos,” I said to the smart man.
We got out our cameras and were poised to snap some pictures of the two cars touching, but before we could snap. His car jumped off my tank, rolled backwards a couple of meters and stopped. I looked at the back of the shabby car.
“Where’s the damage?” The old dilapidated car was obviously far tougher than it looked.
“Here it is,” said the smart man waving his hand vaguely indicating the bumper area of his car. And then he pointed to a small crack on an indicator light. I did not think it looked like new damage. I expected the smart man to ask about insurance, after all that is why we were taking photos, but he said nothing, so neither did I.(I don't have any licence, so no licence, no insurance, I was thinkin to solve the problem with my own pocket money) Then, I looked at the bumper of my tank, there was a small hole. Somehow the shabby car had punctured a hole right through my bumper. I wondered how deep the hole was and if there was some more serious damage behind the hole.
Somehow my stately armoured vehicle had been more injured than his dilapidated car in the collision: how could this be?
“We should move our vehicles,” I said.
We moved down the road, and the the man walked away. I felt guilty, so I ran after him. He had now changed into a woman (a completely normal occurrence in dreams).
“We can mend the light” I said.
“Can we mend the right door?” she asked.
“No, we can’t mend old damage.”
And that was the end of the dream.
All day Saturday, I thought about the dream searching for the divine guidance hidden in it, but it remains elusive. However, dreaming about overlarge things might be a theme. Last night I dreamt about an overlarge slice of chocolate cake.
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